THANK YOU for all of the great reading suggestions that came from A Summer Reading List. From your recommendations (and I few I picked up in conversations), I have been very busy reading. Here is an updated list of recommendations…

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

Wow, this book stayed with me for a long time. It shares a love for Ethiopia, a love for family, and a love for medicine. It also deals with how a person tries to come to terms with their past. I loved it. 

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I was so sure this book was a work of non-fiction when I started reading it that I started Googling information about the band. But this is a work of fiction. It tells the story of a band and the members’ personal journeys through the 70s. Felt a little bit like the movie Almost Famous – which I loved. 

Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah

Kristin Hannah is a great novelist and this was an interesting tale about a girl who appears out of nowhere from the forest in the Pacific Northwest. It has all the elements of a good story to keep you intrigued – mystery, personal redemption, sacrifice and love. 

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

For someone who loves honey as much as I do, I can’t believe I waited so long to read this book. Set in 1960s South Carolina, you will be frustrated by racism but charmed by three sister beekeepers who take in a child running from her life. 

Fall on Your Knees and The Way the Crow Flies by Anne-Marie Macdonald

These two books are both haunting and hard to read but I couldn’t put them down. They remind us how vulnerable women and children are and how life goes on, tragedy upon tragedy. 

Howard Stern Comes Again by Howard Stern

Eric read this camping this year – a gift to him for our anniversary. The book is a series of Stern’s interviews but each begins with a current reflection on the interview from him. It’s a more grown up and less offensive Howard Stern. Eric laughed out loud – a lot. 

I am currently reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. 

Do you have any more books to add to the list?

A bit more…A list for Fall – including Margaret Atwood’s sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale.