Because I listen exclusively to Christmas music at this time of year, I will often listen to the radio station that plays it 24/7 on the way to work. This week, that station (96.7) has been performing random acts of kindness for deserving people. I have cried at every story. These people, like so many, are suffering. They might be suffering from illness, loss or some other hardship. And there is so much beauty in another human being reaching out to say I see you and I hope this helps, even just a little. 

Ellen has also made me cry nightly with her Night of Giveaways. The stories of the people she has found are both heartbreaking and inspirational. It’s all very sensational because it’s Ellen and it’s on tv but acts of kindness don’t have to be big to be meaningful. 

Recently my sister Nikki did something very nice for my other sister, Kara, who had done something very nice for my mom and it all ended up in the Albany Police Department having people doing very nice things all over Albany and one special boy getting to see Celine Dion with his mom, for free!

I have been reflecting lately on what I am doing to help or even just ‘see’ people who might need to be seen. There are a lot of people who struggle quietly, enduring a lot of pain, without much help. If we pay attention, we might be able to see these people a little more often. And whether we perform some grandiose act of kindness to help or just push their wheelchair through the snow for them, we can be more kind to our fellow humans.

Being kind to one another matters. It is too easy to be constantly wrapped up in ourselves and our own lives. Sometimes we are the ones who need the help but often, we can be the ones reaching out. 

Kindness spreads. Kindness makes you feel good. Kind acts make us cry. 

“Be kind to one another.” ~Ellen.

What stories of helping others do you have?

A bit more…How helping others can help you and stories that will make you cry.