Thank you to my good friend Brad for this guest post!!!  If you don’t know Brad, all you need to know is that he is impeccably dressed and well-groomed at all times. You are too, Eric…


Good grooming levels up your style and demonstrates confidence. While personal presentation is as unique to the man as spots are to a dalmation, when you venture out beyond the confines of your castle, showing you’ve taken an interest in your own appearance always puts your best foot forward. Take the following grooming tips to heart as you hold court at your next holiday mixer.



It’s surprising how many men ignore their barber. Frequent trims are essential if you want to maintain a uniform, clean hair game. Neat necklines, fresh fades, and tapered sideburns all require some regular maintenance. For shorter styles being tight and tapered, see your barber every 3 weeks. Medium-length styles; 4-5 weeks. Longer styles; get a trim so it can grow out as desired.

Also, don’t ignore the back of neck hairline. Whether you square-off, round the edges or simply fade, your barber will pick the most complementary neckline to grow out perfectly between cuts.

Further consider that the barber has nearly every tool at his or her disposal to assist you in your hair grooming pursuits. Pull out your mobile, schedule a recurring visit, and set it to not forget it in a tech calendar app.  


It’s not one-size fits all. For thicker hair, pomades and waxes typically work best. For finer hair, lighter hold lotions are key. High shine and/or matte finishes have really become personal preference. If you’re slicking it back for a more formal look, higher shine is typical. Matte finishes keep it informal, and show like you did nothing to your mane when you actually did. 


Big eyebrows are not a problem but if they’re meeting in the middle, you’ve got a problem. Take care of the monobrow with wax or a set of tweezers. Barbers can help tidy up your brows.

Growing little hair sprouts from your nostrils and ears is just part of the natural life cycle of human males. However, nose and ear hairs are distracting and once people notice them on you, they’re hard to ignore. Electric nose and ear hair trimmers are easy to use, get the job done fast, and don’t have any of the pinching or yanking that you sometimes get with a manual trimmer. Turn on the trimmer, stick it in your nose or ear and, mission accomplished. 


Don’t neglect your beard or the skin under it. Whether you’re rocking the clean-shaven look or have a carefully tailored beard, moustache, or both, it’s important to trim and shave correctly to avoid damaging your skin.

Shaving – most men are doing it wrong. Rubbing a dull, disposable razor all over the face only results in irritation, bumps and ingrown hairs. For best results, take a hot shower beforehand and/or press a warm washcloth against the bearded skin to soften whiskers bringing facial hair to the skin’s surface for a closer shave. Use a good quality shaving gel, foam or oil. 

Beard – Maintenance is essential to keep the neck hairs at bay. Trimming your beard ensures your facial hairs are on point and stray hairs are not oozing out from your beard. Find some middle ground as the secret to having a cool beard is to make it look like to it’s not. If your beard is too perfect, people might think you are too done up. If your beard is unruly, then people might think you are dirty and unkempt. Beard length on the neck should be about a two finger width above your Adam’s apple


Your skin needs a little bit of oil to stay supple and look healthy, so avoid cheap soaps that dry out your face (especially the one you’re using on your body). Invest in a foaming face wash or facial gel to get your face properly clean without stripping it of essential moisture.

Find a skin moisturizer paired perfectly for your skin type and season. Generally speaking, lighter lotions are ideal during the summer months, while heavier lotions are best for dry winters.


When you cozy up with someone, or are in the middle of a close conversation at a party, you’ll have wished you thought twice about having a clean mouth. Brushing twice a day is a good practice but always keep a mint or chewing gum handy, especially when the event is serving food. 

Oh, and guys, if your toothbrush bristles look as though they’ve been repeatedly run over by a Mack truck, it’s time to toss. Seriously replace your gross toothbrush. 


You’ll want to smell nice but don’t knock people out. Choose a signature scent that is mild, and apply on the neckline and wrists. For what it’s worth, athletic body sprays really shouldn’t count as your scent of choice. They are more deodorizers.


Great looks from Gruv!

When it comes to clothing, wrinkle-free please. Untucked patterned shirts with a distressed pair or fitted jeans are on trend. A good rule of thumb is to get a shirt that fits as close to your body that allows you to retain free range of movement in your arms. Also, pull up your pants. The general public doesn’t wish to see what colour gitch you’re wearing. 


Neat and trimmed nails are high on the grooming list. If your nails are long enough to easily collect dirt, they’re daggers and too long. Trim them!

To avoid cracked or funky feet, use a Pumice stone after a bath or shower (when the skin is softest) to remove dead skin.  Buff those heels and moisturize your dry man-hands and feet. Nobody likes to feel a cow’s hoof in a handshake or under the blanket. 


Unless your host allows you to roam with some indoor shoes, typically your feet will be exposed at a holiday party. Good-looking, perfectly fitted socks speak volumes, and it’s a must that the carpet match the drapes. Socks should compliment the shirt and/or blend with your choice of bottoms. No holes guys, and the sock should cover any gaps between your shoes and full-length pants. Finally, leave the athletic-style socks for the gym or a casual day at home. 


Finally, nobody wants to be with a sour-puss over the holiday. As much as self-grooming and personal appearance is important, a good attitude shines brightest. Claim some natural optimism and make it a habit. Smile, be genuine and let your good charm do wonders.