It’s Friday! Whether you are still going to work, working from home, or not currently working it can be difficult these days to remember what day it is. I think it is important to honour that it is, in fact, the weekend to help lift our spirits. 

Tonight we are connecting (via technology) with friends for a drink and an online game. I think I really need this. I don’t know about you but I am not doing a great job reaching out to people. I am becoming far too ok just being at home with my family. I need to connect with my friends, laugh with them and just see their faces. 

Chloe and I were out for a run the other day and we bumped into one of her best friends and mine too, who were also running. The girls were so happy to see one another in person and you could just feel their impulse to want to hug each other. It was beautiful and sad. 

Tonight, I will make banana bread and have it ready to bake tomorrow morning so it feels a little like our old Saturday mornings. I will take time to read the paper with Eric, have a tea and relax. 

Right now, I am looking forward to Friday night. The sun is shining and I am going to clean the house (our cleaning person is not coming anymore, but we are still paying her). I am going to make the kids clean their rooms and we are going to order in for dinner. And I should wash my hair!

We are going to try playing Codenames online with our friends tonight. We love this game and I can’t wait to try it online. 

Have a nice weekend, everyone! Keep finding joy where you can!

What are you doing to celebrate the weekend?

What games have you tried online?

A bit more…online fun with friends.

I have really felt the urge to want to plant a garden lately!

Nick Heath is posting the funniest ‘sports’ videos!

We love watching American Idol and this was a great performance.

Here is the banana bread recipe I use – minus the walnuts and chocolate chips.

Would you ever shave your head because you’re in quarantine? I know someone who just did!