There are a couple of particularly funny things I remember my kids saying. I wish I would have written down more of the the funny things they have said over the years.

One night a few years ago, while Nicholas and I were torturing one another trying to do homework together, I became completely frustrated and let him know just how frustrated I was. His response was this,

“You’re going to regret this one day when I turn out to be Ivan Einstein!”

On another day, when I was frustrated around the house with all the cleaning up after everyone, Mia looked at me and said,

“Mom, you’re like Cinderella except without the good part.”

Not to be outdone by her siblings, Chloe has been making me laugh with her lunch critiques that started coming home in her lunches last year. You can find more of them on my personal Instagram account. They are pretty funny.

Her most recent critique was on the chicken drumsticks I gave her.

What funny things have your kids said? Please share in the comments so we can all have a good laugh today!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

A bit more…funny things kids have said